Just when you think that you cannot handle anymore, God tends to throw you what you need. I received several life preservers this morning in the form of emails and facebook messages.
I can keep doing this. So many are travelingthe same road. So many have gone before and paved the way. It may have been paved with blood, sweat and tears, but it is still paved.
It may be hard and ugly, but it is what I am called to do.
My new favorite motto is: I can do this... even if I get a lil singed on the edges! Afterall - it is the "crispy" ones that are the best
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago
Of course you can do this. You were chosen. God knew You were the One for this Job. You will have many Jewels in Your Crown.
Me again, I think of you often when Layla "Throws a fit," "Runs away from me, everywhere," "Curses Like a Sailor." I think of you and all that you endure.
Yes, we are called... and gonna be good n crispy! Gotta love it ;-)
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