We are all really stressed out here at work today. I posted yesterday about Mr. Henry having to make his trip to Iraq today. I blogged about him many months ago when he enlisted in the air guard. At that time he as PROMISED that he would not have to go overseas. I told him and told him again that we all knew that wasn't the truth. But they PROMISED. It makes me sick to my stomach. It's one thing to make a decision to serve in the military when you know what you are getting into, it's another thing altogether to be lied to.
I am proud that he is serving his country. I am proud that he is doing his part in going to Iraq. I am sick that he was lied to in order to get him to enlist. Yesterday when he came into work to say good-bye, one of the boys said, "Mr. Henry, I didn't know you were a soldier!" My first thought was, "No he's not. He's a boy who needed money for school and got suckered into enlisting for the bonus." It makes me ill.
I watched my son sleeping last night and thought about Henry's mom sending him off to war. My thoughts and prayers all with all those famlies today who are missing their sons and daughters in Iraq. This stupid, illegal war has taken their babies and it's my hope they return unharmed. And for all those who don't get their baby returned safely, know that while I HATE this war, I support your babies who are doing their job and serving their country.
Winter Wonderland At Stillestead
1 week ago
I posted this to the original post by accident.
While I do believe that everyone should go threw some type of mandatory service I also think that no one should be allowed to enlist until they have completed at minimum an associates degree. Give our kids time to grow up and at least vote once before you send them to war or put them over the barrel of false promises
I will keep this young man in my prayers
Scott and I were just talking about this last night. I truly hope Jim has never lied in his job as a recruiter. Oh, I hope. I will be thinking of your friend, his family and yours.
Michael was told he would probably never see action by his recruiter.
I hate W. Really hate him. What in the world gave him the idea it is okay to send two parents to Iraq, leaving them with NO parents at home? grrr
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