Last spring Dustin came home from school saying that he was going to college. OK, back up. . . anyone recall when I had a freaking hissy fit that the recruiters were at his high school and actually talking to the MoMH (Moderately mentally handicapped) kids? If you want to read it you can go here, if not let me just tell you it was ugly! They had Dustin convinced he could join the military. Dustin cannot read. He can barely walk across the room without knocking into something, falling down, or kicking someone or something that is in his way. Dustin with a firearm scares me. It took MONTHS to get him to understand he would never be able to go into the military and we were the "bad guys" for squashing his dreams in his eyes. His aide was next to him the whole time and in my opinion she should not have let that continue.
So, in the spring Dustin comes home and asks, "Mom what college should I go to?" My first thought was that there were some college sponsors at school and that he had seen others kids making some choices. I said, "Well Dustin, you will get a job when you get out of high school. Remember when we talked about Vocational Rehab at school? You won't go to college." He says, "But mom, Ms. XYZ says I need to decide which college to go to!" (Ms. XYZ is his one:one paraprofessional) I was pissed. It was very near the end of school so I let it go. I think I may have mentioned it in his IEP meeting briefly, but I also chalked it up to him misunderstanding something she said. It took nearly 8 weeks for him to drop the college thing. Once again, in his eyes, we were the horrible people who would not let him go to college!
Yesterday, the fourth day of school, Dustin comes home and says, "Dad, you know how I want to work at the dog pound when I grow up? Well, Ms. XYZ says most of the people who work there are vets and I should go to college to become a vet! She says I would be good at it!"
Holy hell!
After I stopped sweating and my vision returned when my blood pressure reached normal levels, I called the school and left a message that his teacher-of-record was to call me first thing in the morning.
We talked this morning. I made my case very clear. He was as astounded as I was. It best not happen again.
He is perseverating on going to college and becoming a vet. This is not going to remotely happen. I have goals for my child and I attempt to push him past his limitations, but he has an IQ under 50 people! This is not ever going to happen. And by the way, if you have been reading here for a while you will recall he is awful with animals. He has no boundaries, he tends to hurt them and poor shampoo on them and trap them in objects. He has attempted to strangle animals in the past and kicks our dogs regularly. He has killed chickens in a prior home and several fish with us by popping their heads off. The cat, who loves everyone, HATES him. The African Grey tells him to "Go to timeout" and "Get away!" This is not a good career path!
I swear to goodness last night was AWFUL! He was so pissed. "Ms. XYZ is nice and wants me to be a vet, you are mean!" "I should've picked a different family!"
This is gonna be one heck of a weekend!
Slow Start
1 week ago