I am so done. I am beyond exhausted. This has been the worse week on record. Robert's leg injury is not one bit better since the ER visit last Saturday. He has spent all of this week pretty much on bed rest. When he isn't laying on the couch awake, he is sleeping off the pain meds.
I am having to carry the whole house myself. Robert is a stay at home dad for a reason. Our lives are incredibly chaotic having to have total supervision of Dustin at all times. Since Robert hasn't been up all week, I have had to do all the cleaning. laundry, cooking, supervision etc. Not only that, but I have a wicked cold, canker sores all over the inside of my mouth and a horrific sore throat. I am beyond grumpy and just plain tired.
Since his routine is screwed up, Dustin is pushing all my buttons. He doesn't behave well for me anyway, so me being his primary caregiver is not working. He is stealing food, messing with the animals, irritating the kids and pushing me clean over the edge at all times.
I just want to sit and cry. Today I wanted a nap more than anything. I could hardly sit in the chair without falling asleep. The two littles were playing upstairs nicely and Robert decided to take Dustin up for a nap with him. As soon as Dustin went upstairs he told the littles that I was going to nap downstairs so they came down and I didn't to sleep a wink. Wah!
Okay, enough whining. I just want my husband back up to par so he can help me out around here. I really shouldn't whine as so many more have it worse than I do, but it's my bloggy and I'll cry if I want to. . .
3 days ago