Completing the education portion of this journey on Saturday was monumental for me. Truth be told, I really didn't want to do it. I wanted to sit back and rest assured that I had learned everything I needed to learn in Reiki 1 and 2 and have a relaxing and uneventful Saturday. Even after I paid for the class in full, I was considering going back and asking for a refund. I was not "feeling it". Even Saturday, I woke up late and wanted to just blow it off. I am so very glad I did not. I am certain that I was put in that place for a reason and I feel as though I grew exponentially in my understanding of Reiki and in my place in this journey.

We focused more on intuition in this class and it really struck a cord with me. The possibility of providing just what the client needs at the appropriate time and place, even if they don't know what it is, is a heady proposition. It really secured in me that I am merely a vessel for the energy to flow through. It reminded me that there is a far greater force at work through me and I am simply the conduit who is willing and open to being used. That concept was what drives me to use this ability for good. The fact that I don't have to know what is needed, I just simply have to be present and willing. While I initiate the contact by welcoming God to use me, I really just have to sit back and allow Him to provide and perform.
The other piece of that puzzle for me is the LOVE. The acceptance of what it is to be obedient to a higher power and be that part of the puzzle is overwhelmingly peaceful. I am called to love. I am called to accept. I am called to provide kindness and positivity in all areas of my life. Opening that part of me has been a long journey over the past few years. It has been one that has taught me to let go of my assumptions, my preconceived notions and my judgements. It has given me the understanding that I have not walked in the shoes of others. I have no idea where their journeys have taken them and how they have reached the point where they are today. I cannot judge their path or their conclusions. I can simply accept and love that they are where they are at this given moment. It is my job to love. I may not agree, but that does not stop the love. I can see that the journey I have been a part of for these past few years, has been leading up to my Reiki training. The time is now to begin putting into action what has been resonating within my soul during this time.
Reiki has given me the instrument in allowing that love to feel real to others. As I call on the God of the universe to work through me and for the greater good of the person in front of me, I am showing that love in corporal form. I am the avenue for energy filled with love and acceptance. The force of that love is healing and benefiting another human being. That, my friends, is powerful and something I am humbled to be a part of. I am blessed to be given the ability to show that love in such a tangible way.
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