I used to be a trash hunter extraordinaire, until I got pulled over one night and was told I was illegally driving in the alleys. (I got a little smart-mouthed and asked if I lived there how would I get to my house if I couldn't drive in the alley. He was not amused) I got weirded out and gave up the obsession. The only time I get something from trash now is if I an coincidentally driving by something that looks cool and could use some love. I found these beauties Sunday night coming home from the grocery store. I loved their shape and the fluting on the back of the chair. I actually only took the one that was unpainted and together, but about 12:30 that night I had to go back and see if the other one was still there. She was calling my name!* Ok, I am a freak!
I had leftover vinyl from another set of chairs I recovered along time ago (don't judge, I have little ones) and I bought a $5 can of spray paint. I chose almond because we just got an almond fridge and I would like to find a small table for the kitchen. I think they look fab! If they were your trash . . . thanks!
What do you think?
I also found this mirror at the same house, I think I will paint it to put in our bedroom. Watch for that transformation later . . .
* I have this weird obsession with chairs. I love chairs. Especially oddly shaped ones. I remember being in Indianapolis one day thrift shopping with my friend Peggy and I made her stop at a garage sale and I bought a wooden chair, kinda danish style, and we had to pry it into the backseat of her escort. LOL
Ignore my porch, the neighbor is creating a ton of dust with a brick grinding project next door. Oi!
Your chairs look great! Thanks for the memory of us in Indy.
I adore those chairs. I have a thing for beautifully/weirdly shaped chairs too.
Can't wait to see how the mirror turns out. BTW...I have a thing for mirrors as long as I don't have to stand in front of one. ;-)
Why is it that all the people that like to go thrifting are in the internet...really...why couldn't you fricken live around the corner so we could go a-hunting together...and you know...fight over who found the chairs!LOL Loved the chairs!
umm...shoot...keep forgetting..."zunzun" is "eos from bumpyroadtomotherhood"....changing things up a bit so I may start posting again.
Your alley scavenging sounds delightful. That is how I get all my lilacs :) LOVE THE CHAIRS. Nice work!
Saw this http://www.righteousbabe.com/ani/nov4/ and thought of you, you Obama Mama, you.
Wow...people throw real stuff out. Very cool transformation though!
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