What does one do when one is crappy and stuck in a funk? Well, I had to go buy glasses since the script expires tomorrow. I did not want to pay for another exam so I had to get them today. So off to the mall we went . . .
McCartney posing with some fancy spectacles. We narrowly avoided a fit when I told her she didn't need glasses therefore we would not be buying these frames. I think maybe she knew I could not take anymore! But man, she sure looks cute, eh?
What does one sorry-for-herself-feeling mom do when she's at the mall with time to kill? She spends far too much money at Build-a-Bear trying to make herself happy be seeing happy children of course! It worked, how stinkin' cute are these kids?
Gee! Who would've guessed that McCartney would pick a Hannah Montana bear? Wow! Only every person who has ever met her. She is a walking Hannah Montana billboard! This was before the bear was dressed to the hilt in hannah Montana clothes!
I came home and decided that even though it is winter I needed to paint my toenails. I think Ozzy likes them. Maybe looking down and seeing bright red toenails will help me get through the rest of my day. My glasses won't be done until tomorrow so pictures will be forthcoming!
Thanks for listening to me whine the last few posts . . .
Yay for being rescued on all fronts! Fun with the kids at the mall, although taking the kids to the mall is NOT what I would do, to each her own, right? Love the toenails. Hoping Robert is feeling better soon!
Glad you rallied!
I love build a bear for me! I'm terrible huh?
I hope things get better for you. You've had such a hard time.
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