Robert left me for the weekend. He went to D.C. for the peace march that I mentioned before. He had a nice time and I stayed home with all 3 kids alone. My mom and I took them out to eat on Friday evening and then did some shopping for Robert's upcoming birthday. The kids were very well behaved, but my mom looked frazzled by the time we were done. LOL
Saturday I stayed true to my word I didn't get out of my pajamas all day! It was glorious. I did however do a bunch of laundry and cleaned a little. I have a funny story about the washed from earlier in the week. . . when the washer went into spin cycle on Wednesday, it was making this horrible scratching-screeching sound. It sounded like something metal was hitting and scratching up against the drum. I was irritated because it was only one month out of warranty. I called a repar guy and he was out in a matter of a couple hours. When Robert called to give me a report he was laughing. I had a lang drywall screw in my pants pocket the other day, apparently it went through the wash and ended up poking through one of the holes in the bottom of the washer tub. It was the screw that was making the noise. I paid $60 to have a repairman open the lid and reach in to remove a screw! ARGH! But I am happy that I did not have to buy a new washer. . .
Sunday I was terribly depressed that I didn't have any football to watch . . .
Today I had to rescheduled Harrison's tonsilectomy for this week instead of at the end of the month since he can barely breathe in the night. It is almsost like sleep apnea and he wakes himself up from the snoring as well. His tonsils are so big that they touch his uvula and gag him. He has lost nearly 5 pounds in the past month because he struggles with swallowing. He gags most everything up. So . . .we are off to the surgery center this Wednesday to have those puppies yanked out.
ON the Dustin front, his behavior is just plain crappy. I was so looking forward to this new midication and it definitely has stopped the hallucinations, but his impulsivity is horrific! He cannot control himslef in he very least. The doc has added yet another medication tonight. We shall see. . .
Happy March!!
2 days ago