I can't believe it is 2007. What a crazy year it has been. . .
We started off January with Dustin being admitted to the psych hospital for the first time here in Fort Wayne. It was both frightening and necessary. He spent 14 days in the hospital and was released only to return 10 days later. The positives . . . our we finally saw our son without any medication and our psychatrist had a far better idea of what we deal with on a daily basis.
In February I nearly sliced the end of my "pointer" finger off with an exact-o knife doing a proect at work. It was not fun! My son, Dustin, turned 12 and my mother had the first of 2 cornea replacement surgeries. My husband turned 51!
March was awesome as I joined a support group for parents of children with special needs. Dustin also spent the night at church with about 200+ kids for an overnighter. This was a true treat as we can't ever do anyting like this. He had a "shadow" the entire time and was great.
April brought with it nice weather, a trip to Camp Casey in Crawford Texas for Robert and a case of Scarlet Fever for Harrison. My pup, Cayenne, was hit by a car on Easter weekend, but did really well recovering after a brief stay in the pet hospital. Robert also lost his aunt Anne to cancer.
May was a month of funerals. We attended my aunt Mary's funeral and Robert lost his uncle Jr. It was a difficult time. We added rats to our pack of pets . . . my little babies. And Harrison turned 4.
June began my crazy summer hours. It also brought us a couple big storms. One storm brought a lightning strike that fried our fuse box, costing a pretty penny and then a day later we lost electricity to our block as trees fell all around us. We were without electricity for about 60 hours in a 3 day period. The tickets were also purchased for my first country concert . . . Kenny Chesney Labor Day weekend.
July was a month of reunions for me. The month prior I was given the address to a website that an old friend put together for us to post pics and get together. A bunch of my old friends contacted me and I reconnected with them a couple weeks in a row. What fun seeing old friends again.
August brought the first round of strep. I was hospitalized for a brief time and was given morphine for the horrible pain that I had in my head. UGH! The worst? The bill.
September opened with the Kenny concert at Verizon Wireless and I was finally exposed to country music tailgating! Woohoo. Met LJ and had a BLAST! MY baby turned 3! 3! Uncle Josh came to Fort Wayne and spent a week here. The kids loved having him here and I loved having my kids crawl all voer him and abuse him. And I was definitely ready for some football . . .
In October I fell through my bathroom floor. But, it made me find out that the shower had been leaking under the floor for years! And now I have a great bathroom. Dustin was once again hopsitalized to regulate medication for 2 weeks. School has been difficult this year, and the staff simply doesn't get it. The strep came back with a vengenance.
In November Harrison was quite sick and for a while they thought he had some rare illness. McCartney and I were the only ones to celebrate Thanksgiving and then I shopped my booty off the next morning with mom. The elections brought with it happiness with some of the turnouts in the county, and frustration with the sheriff's race.
December was productive and way too fast. We finally spent our Thanksgiving in Kentucky. Robert and I actually had dinner out with friends, that never happens! And, I had my Crass Reunion. About 150 people showed up and it was a wonderful time catching up with what everyone was doing! Christmas was great and I am looking forward to the new year!
And rest assured I'll blog all the juicy bits . . .
Happy March!!
2 days ago
Man! I got tired just reading about your past year.
I am praying that 2007 brings to you many blessings as well as a fun surprise or two.
Happy New Year!
Sheri - May 2007 bless you in every way! =)
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