I started out grating two bars of Fels-Naptha. It was pretty easy and only took about 10 minutes.
Then you add a box of Borax, a box of Arm & Hammer Super Washing Soda, 1/2 box baking soda to the 2 bars of grated soap.
Let's take a closer look at the grated soap . . . it's cute and looks like cheese!
I put mine in a large mixing tub and mixed it with a long spoon. Then I put it in this adorable glass container that used to hold candy. You only need 2 tablespoons for a full load and 1 tablespoon for a medium load. This container holds a gallon and I had another few cups that would not fit in the container so it should last a while.
I know that store bought detergents are full of chemicals and fillers that do not do nice things for your clothing of for your washing machines. This version is also completely biodegradable so BONUS. I hope that I like it. I'll keep you posted.
My mother and grandmother used to make lye soap to use in the laundry. It was a mixture of old grease and lye and I don't know what else.
After living in the city for over 40 years, it would never enter my mind to make laundry detergent. Looks cool!
I'm almost ready to make my own. ;) Sounds easy enough & much better for our skin. I am wondering how it does on little boy grass stains and one year old food stains.
I am very interested in how long this will last and how many loads it will do... Keep us informed!
This recipe works great for stains too...just rub some into the stain before tossing into the wash.
Two tips: AFter using this detergent for a while, my whites always get a bit dingy. So every 4 to 6 weeks I added a cup of bleach to my whites.
Also, I always add a downey ball filled with white vinegar. Helps to soften clothes and remove any of the soap residue from the clothes. If you have soft water, you may not need it, though.
I always make this with my handmade soap scraps, and it works great!
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