While we were in Washington DC, we experienced an odd sight. One that is still haunting me and Robert as well. We were leaving DC about midnight Monday evening and traveling the Clara Barton Parkway. It is the road we took most out of the city to Maryland where our hotel was. This road is a divided road that is full of trees and has a canal to one side. It is truly a beautiful piece of road.
I had just gotten that feeling that we should be careful to look for deer. Do you ever do that? Get this wonky feeling in the pit of your stomach that deer are nearby and you should be cautious as to not hit one? I said to Robert, "Honey watch out for deer" and just then we saw a very small deer laying in the other lane. A larger deer, that we assumed was the mama, was standing at the side of the road completely still looking at the baby in the middle of the road. It was heartbreaking. It was as though the small deer was not yet dead and the larger animal had an instinct to not leave until it was over.
So we were shaken. We traveled down the road a stretch and saw a fawn standing half on the road half off right to the side of our van. Robert slowed and I hollered out the window for it to run away. Dustin starts clapping telling me, "You did good mom!" and then he says, "I think we should raise it!" I said, "Oh good Lord, Dustin, we are not raising a deer . . . and we are on vacation!" Then he says, "Mom! It's the only way!" That is when we lost it and began laughing. It was pretty funny. He is a piece of work.
Robert starts really laughing and says we should call a "Bambi-lance" . . . any Bob and Tom fans out there? Ever heard the "bambulance" bit? I was laughing so hard I could hardly breath.
Slow Start
1 week ago
Should I admit that I am a Bob & Tom fan? LOL! Glad you guys made it safely. My dad has had several accidents with deer as he use to commute 71 miles to work... once he hit 2 deer while he was riding his motorcycle. We used to tease him about "hunting without a license"!
We were very lucky we didn't hit any deer on our trips....what we did hit and almost traumatized us were a TON of rabbits somewhere in Wyoming...OH MY GOD...nothing like Rabbits darting this way and that under the wheels of our RV as we were screeching...is almost like they were comitting suicide...horrifying!LOL! You should have seen us all outside of the vehicle shaking our heads at all the gore at a rest area...it was something out of a gory B movie! ewww. OK...sorry...your deer story must have triggered some PTSD in me!lol
I really enjoyed the previous post/pictures...what a nice vacation.
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