We started off on the Monday with another trip on the subway. Who knew we needed quarters only for the meters at the subway station? And that a quarter only got you 15 minutes. Robert made a trip over to the 7-11 and bought some Now-n-Laters in order to get change. If you look closely the kids have blue tongues in most of the pictures . . . we had a lot of Now-n-Laters. . .
Our first stop of the day was the National Museum of Art and Portraiture, to the National Portrait Gallery. We wanted to see the Steven Colbert "exhibit". Steven Colbert took a picture of himslef to the Smithsonian and asked them to display it since he was an American icon. They refused and sent him to the NPG. They went along with the joke, displaying it in the bathroom area on the second floor. Lo and Behold their attendance skyrocketed. We had to wait for others to move so we could get a photo. The building was amazing!
The presidential portrait hall as amazing as well . . .
We headed over to the pavillion for lunch. While there, Robert found another interesting thing to do. We took a glass elevator up to the 9th floor of this Historic Post Office building and then another to the 12th floor where you could see the entire downtown of Washington. It was a cloudy and rainy day, but the view was still very cool. Here the kids are eating right near the elevator . . .
Our last stop downtown of the day was the National Museum of Natural History. the kids LOVED this one and we spent most of our time over in the dinosaur area. We planned to see an IMAX 3D, but the 3D was not functional that day so we scrapped it . . .
We ate at an IHOP in Maryland late that night and here is McCartney with her green eggs and ham and who-cakes. . . Mmmmmmm . . . .
It's A Thing
2 days ago
I'm trying to catch up on everyone's blogs. What a great trip! Thanks for sharing!
What a great trip! You guys will be talking about it for the rest of your lives.
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