. . . when you come across an old friend and you get so thrilled you squeal. (Did I just say squeal? I have never thought of myself as a girly girl and I don't think I've ever squealed, but you know what I mean) Today when I came online I read a comment on the last post from someone long ago (come on Ang . . . it has been ** years) Angie is the author of Gathering Up the Pebbles blog and the owner of a bookstore here in town.
Long ago, we ran in the same circles and had the same friends. We were definitley, punk rock BEFORE everyone else was. LOL I wrote about that group of friends last year when we all were brought back together by a website and we had a reunion. What a great night! It was fun seeing that we all had grown up (for the most part *wink*), turned into fabulous citizens and have wonderful families. I remember once Angie got left at the Coliseum after the fireworks and I "delivered" her to Friemann, and you can't think about Angie without thinking PURPLE.
Angie's blog is a great read. If you get the chance to stop over and visit her, please say hello. She is the mother of 2 beautiful children and a kindred democrat, which seems hard to find in these parts. She is suppoirting Tom Henry for Mayor as we both grew up with the youngest Henry, Jessica, and had many an adventure with her. We both hold the Henry family near and dear in your hearts because it was easy to see the love and nuturing in their family through the children.
Thanks for stopping by Angie! My day was better for all the memories you prompted!
Slow Start
1 week ago
Sheri, I just read your comments about my family. Thank you so much for saying such nice things. It's been wonderful to see you again and meet your husband and kids over the last year! I can't wait to get together again soon.
you have such a nice blog, I finally got my blogroll updated...so I have added you....lovely...keep it up..
Now your post has brightened my day Sheri! It's nice to reconnect. Can I tag along when you and Jessica get together?
That's a fabulous plan. Maybe us girls could go out and have some dinner or lunch. Maybe Peggy could tag along as well.
Food? Did someone mention food? I'm there, and I would love to see Peggy! Someone schedule this and let me know when. Jessica
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