Wow, this week has been crazy, tiring, amazing and I am quite glad it is just about over. I don't think my body has ever felt like it does right now. We successfully moved the entire daycare this weekend. We started moving the big stuff on Friday morning along with all the items that the teachers had already boxed up. There were about 50 church members that showed up to volunteer their time moving the facility. It went more smoothly than I ever could've imagined! The first load consisted of a semi-truck load, and 2 giant Penske rental trucks FULL. They were loaded from 8:30 to about 10:30 and then we went to the new facility. The trucks were unloaded and placed in their new classrooms and storage areas before lunch at 11:45! AMAZING. The coordinator was so organized. All the areas were color coded, the boxes were labeled with a shape code and a color code and the "putting away" went so very easily. He even tagged the halls with crepe paper to show they way to the color coded areas. (Yes, I said HE. A man is organized?! My world is crumbling) Our staff then were able to simply be in their room putting all the stuff away in it's new home. We had planned to be moving from 8am - 8pm both Saturday and Sunday, but the movers were done by Friday evening about 7:30. I was there with a handful of people until midnight. Yesterday was filled with all the little things and I worked 10 hours. Today holds about 8 hours of work as well, but I feel to thankful for all the help and great relief that it is DONE!
You need to understand that the church that was in he building we are now moving into had many issues over the years. The family that founded the church and ran it for many years as pastors were not exactly honest with their congregation and didn't have the highest moral values. The church split for a second time about 3 years ago now and it has been a struggle in the "religious" (I hate that word) community of our city. The family went on to found another church which then gave them the "boot" recently for the same issues that were evident in the other church. I will not sit and bash this family, or the people who chose to follow this pastoral family and finally saw in the end they were being bamboozled, I will however say they smashed people and their hearts. Many of the congregation that struggled after the split, have wandered over to our church. They have healed and moved on, but this move back into the church-home they knew for so long will be difficult for many of them. Many are happy to see it come full circle. For many, wounds will be opened and the healing will have to begin anew. It does help that the building was in pretty great disrepair so it has been almost completely renovated (since we got it in foreclosure this was possible with funding) so these families will see the shell of the building, but will see new insides. What an allegory for what happened there and in their own hearts . . .
I will say that the people of that particular congregation know how to work. They will pitch in for anything! I must say that has been lacking in my current church for many years. People are content to sit in church and be "ministered to" without putting in a helping hand. Ministries such as our outreach for construction help, community projects etc has come from those from that congregation. Volunteers come out of the woodwork for projects and special gatherings at the church, most of whom are from that former congregation. They have a strong volunteer and work value. I think those from our "original" congregation can learn greatly from them. I pride myself on being what my mother calls a "workhorse" and I will jump in a help in anyway I can. That is sorely lacking in some in our church. Going on a mission's trip, or volunteering once a year for a carnival is fine, but what happens day-to-day in helping the needs of our community needs to be one mission of a seeker-friendly church. That pastoral family which lacked in so many other areas, definitely taught their followers that goal.
I give you all that background to tell you that I discovered a wonderful family yesterday. This family used to be on staff at this former church. They have adopted several teenage boys out of the "system." The boys all seem to have special needs. What a WONDERFUL bunch of boys. I have yet to meet their mother and father, but I know that with a bunch of special needs kids, from the system that act like these boys do they must be fabulous. These boys were polite, kind-hearted, nice, helpful boys. Kudos to their parents! What a ministry.
The day is about to get hectic for me. Hopefully all the jobs will get done. Coffee is calling my name . . .
Another Chapter
5 days ago
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