Friday, May 11, 2007

Emergency haircut . . . .

It's s nice to have a fabulous beautician in the family. When you call your sister-in-law at 10:15 at night crying because you daughter just chopped her hair off, she meets you at the salon first thing in the morning, on her day off to fix it. And it comes out adorable . . . . that's Nanny n the chair with McCartney. She refused to sit in the chair alone.

The damage . . .

Aunt Kari is AWESOME . . .

My cute little peanut . . .


Emmett Greider said...

Great post! I only wish I'd seen this before the same episode occurred in our family. Though I didn't exactly cry, I didn't quite remember - as is so wonderfully captured by the smile on your face in the second photo - that it's only hair and can always grow back.

So often, especially at a young age, our children show us that what we think is important (nice, long hair, in this case), they couldn't care less about. Oh, how much we have to learn! ;-)

Kari said...

That haircut is adorable! Anna recently did the same thing. Happy Mother's Day! ~Kari

Patty said...

Adorable doesn't begin to discribe that face...and the haircut is pretty cute too!

Have a great day today. You are a terrific mom!