23 . . . the number of days it has been since I blogged - which may be a record
3 . . . the number of children who currently reside in my house
1200 . . . the number of children you would think reside in my house by the mess they create
8 . . . the number of hours spent outside, yesterday on a field trip with both kids classes
6 . . . the approximate number of miles walked yesterday on said field trip
1 . . . the number of GIANT swollen ankles I currently own due to said field trip
38 . . . the number of pounds my husband has lost, making him look fabulous
5 . . . the number of pounds I have regained because I have been cheating on the new lifestyle
1027 . . . the number of times I have promised myself I will no longer cheat.
1026 . . . the number times I have broken that promise, life changing NOW.
24 . . . the number of days left until the crazy summer schedule of 9 field trips per week starts
7 . . . the number of days before I leave to see my bestie for the weekend WITHOUT kids!
10 . . . the number of dollars it took to purchase a toll pass for the drive to see the bestie.
3 . . . the number of months it will take to see if son gets qualified for SSI.
1 . . . the number of fungus infections they found in said son's esophagus that they believe is making him have instances of vomiting and bowel issues
1 . . . medication they prescribed for said infection which I hope fixes his GNARLEY breath as well
Slow Start
1 week ago